Well this glitch Allows you to control your opponents team in ultimate team on fifa usally making them back out giving you the win. Here is the guide it is very easy and quick to do.
What you need to get this to work.
Fifa 10 -
2 Controllers -
Thats all folks.
1: First go to an offline tournament game using controller 1
2: Get a decent lead in this game.
3: In the 87Th minute Turn off your controller 1.
4: Turn on Controller 2.
5: Turn back on controller 1.
6: Put both controllers on your team controller 1 first.
7: Continue with the rest of the game using just controller 2.
8: After you win keep using controller 2 back out of the game but only back out to the select tournament screen.
9: Go into an online Tournament using controller 2.
10: Keep playing until get into the game and then you will be on the other persons team and own goal scoring time it is.
11: Glitch is now done have fun.